Greetings Scouts, We had a busy scouting week starting with Monday Patrol Leaders Council (PLC), Troop meeting and preparing for Newport Sailing. I’ve had to retake my Hazardous Weather training in addition to Safety Afloat. These trainings expire every 2 years and are required for our trips. We follow the mantra that every scout deserves a trained leader ! The PLC (all positions of responsibility reporting in) spent time to plan the upcoming meetings and make some decisions on patrols. One decision was to keep a new scout patrol active through the December time period and then integrate the new scouts into the three existing patrols in January 2022. This enables the new scouts to learn a lot and stay focused on Scout and Tenderfoot rank requirements. Of course, this will still mean working with all the scouts and learning from the older scouts. Scouts use the EDGE technique to do this and they learn by doing. This is also good for the older, more experienced scouts to re learn as they prepare to teach these skills. The PLC have posted meeting minutes so if you have not received them ask Cameron, who is the Troop Scribe. Sailing New this year is a visit to the University of Rhode Island Graduate School of Oceanography (URI GSO) who are hosting an open house STEM related. Good timing. We plan to be there and visit. I spent some time at URI as an undergraduate Mech & Ocean Engineering and also spent time (months) on the URI’s research vessel the RV Endeavor (I know, weird brag). Anyone interested in Oceanography merit badge please see me. Advancement Corner Please check rank and merit badges completed so that the Court of Honor, on 9/28/21 will be up to date. New Scout Corner Welcome new scouts and some were given new books last week. Please update your uniform and just to let you know that 1st class is when you receive a troop neckerchief. This is an optional uniform item and one worth working for. Please focus on Scout rank and we are in planning for Cyber Chit. Do your good turn daily! YiS, Mr. Duggan, Scoutmaster
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