Lucas Herrero gave us a nice presentation on a former Concord resident and neighbor to Lucas, Thomas J. Hudner Jr. Thomas Hudner was a Medal of Honor recipient who grew up in Fall River and rose to the rank of Captain USN. He was awarded the Medal of Honor for his action to save his wingman, Ensign Jessie Brown, who had crashed and was on fire. Thomas Hudner passed away in 2017 and is buried at Arlington National Cemetary.
Thanks to Mr. Pautler and Luke for the Cyber Chip Training. Remember scouts, you have homework to turn in and complete for the award. The Cyber Chip is also needed for all rank advancements and can be turned into Mr. Paulter or me. We had two breakouts, one for high school and the other the middle school-aged scouts. Thank you so much. Lincoln Green gave us another week to get your scavenger hunt done. All entries will be entered into a drawing. Submit what you have done my Monday night to Lincoln Green [email protected]. I know I’ve completed 5 out of 6 and I have one more to go. Share these walks with your family and the treks are great short walks in and around Concord. We didn’t get to bike repair part 2 (Jonah), the knot Kahoot (Ben) or the Eagle Projects in flight (Simon and Kevin). We will get to the rest of the team soon. We have a couple things in the pipeline.
Aloha – Plan to come to the NEXT Troop Meeting on June 2, 2020, with different Zoom information. This week ….Drum roll – We will be having a Virtual, live tour from Hawaii of the Battleship USS Missouri. The session will be hosted by Neil K. Yamamoto (Education Outreach Coordinator USS MISSOURI BB-63 Pearl Harbor, Hawaii). Topic: USS MISSOURI VIRTUAL FIELD TRIP Time: Jun 2, 2020, at 7:30 EST Join Zoom Meeting If you can only listen by phone, you can find your local number: Meeting ID: 840 9647 6881 Password: 645634
Logan Prewitt joined our troop last week for an alumni update. The scouts thanked front line workers and this will be posted to our Facebook page. The scouts learned about Bike Repair (Jonah), all about Rope (Freddy), and how to tie a necktie (Ben). The leaders are really committed and doing a good job putting in a full agenda for our scouts to continue developing scout skills.
We recorded this session as part of the Concord Library request to describe the impact and adjustments made during the COVID pandemic. This won’t be shared until we understand more of what they are looking for and to see if this fits with their collection. We will then obtain permission from parents. This will take some time but wanted to share the first couple of steps in this process. Remember to finish the scavenger hunt and send your pictures to Lincoln Lincoln Green [email protected] by Tuesday. Congratulations to our newest First Class Scout –Grady, who passed his Board of Review this week! This weekend we celebrate Memorial Day. No, it’s not the first day of summer. It’s a day of mourning and honoring the military personal who died while serving our country. There are many Concordians who made that sacrifice. They were just like all of us. They grew up here and went to school in Concord. But they fought and died for their country. Many came back to be buried in town. All who served are honored with a flag at the cemetery. Some are not buried here but in military cemeteries around the world, including France and Hawaii. They are not just names on plaques in Monument Square. They had parents, homes, friends, played sports, and went to school right here. They gave their lives for our country. Go to Monument square this weekend. Look at the names, Do you recognize any familiar names? Take a moment to reflect. Even better, do some homework on one or two names on the list and we can discuss it at our meeting on Tuesday. I hope you didn’t forget Mother’s Day last weekend! As my mother used to remind me …” you only have one Mother”. Meaning, you will have lots of friends and some of you may have many siblings … but only one mother. It’s never too late to do something special to show her your appreciation.
I’ve said this several times before, but the scouts continue to deliver high-quality meetings and you should be proud. I encourage all scouts to attend weekly and the parents always welcome to attend. This past week Luke Pautler (senior at CCHS) gave us an update, Lincoln described the Concord Scavenger Hunt (details later in the announcement), Jonah described some local bike trails, Simon gave us a presentation on local birds we can see right in Concord, and Ben walked us through a knot review. As scouts, we are doing our duty to help stop the spread of the virus by staying home and following the guidelines. Next week we will have the Order of the Arrow elections which will include 24 months to take the ordeal. Family Life and Public Health merit badges continue each week. I especially look forward to hearing more about scouts' good deeds, which we share at each meeting. Have a nice weekend. I look forward to seeing the Troop on Tuesday evening.
appy Labor Day for most of the world. May 1 is celebrated by many countries as Labor Day and it’s hard to believe it’s May.
Senior Leadership continues to deliver great meetings. Well done scouts. We took a tour of Bryce Canyon, got an update on the Order of the Arrow, learned to tie a taut-line hitch. Family Life and Public Health merit badges continue each week and we are continuing with virtual boards of review for scouts. This weekend is National Camp-In Weekend: “Saturday is The weekend is scheduled to include virtual fun such as skill-building, community service, and camping from your own back yard or living room. The fun-filled digital event is meant to restore a sense of fun and adventure for families and even for families whose children are not currently in scouting. You can find out more by visiting the website. Please check out the agenda for Saturday, it looks like a fun day. Virtual Boards of review are happening. Our congratulations to our newest Life Scout, Christian Perrotta. Some scouts attended the district Life to Eagle seminar. While this focuses on the process and steps, I just want to remind scouts that thinking about a project that you would like to do with the beneficiary (someone who needs it) can never start too early. This is an opportunity to do something on your own, that you would like to do and feel proud about for years to come. But it takes time and you can't start too early. Often what you think you want to do will change and that has to be in sync with the beneficiary. Some of our Alum scouts who come back can describe the ebb and flow of early planning. If you have an idea, share it with your parents, Mr. Rzepczynski, or me to get some feedback. I am looking forward to hearing more about your good deeds, which we share at each meeting. Keep up the good scouting and use your time wisely. It is a gift. |
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